Time Series Data

A common form of data is time series data - that is data indexed by time (timestamped).


Time series data is a perfect candidate for a Swim MapLane. Using Long as the key type, you can create a streaming map indexed by timestamp:

public MapLane<Long, Value> history = this.<Long, Value>mapLane();

This will create an empty map on agent instantiation with the name history. In this example the data is stored as Swim Values, but this can be changed to any type (built-ins trivially, and custom types by using Forms).

Adding Data

Adding to a Swim MapLane is almost identical to adding to an ordinary Java Map. Simply call the put(K key, V value) method to add the key-value data into the map:

    Record.create(2).slot("id", 1).slot("status", "enabled")

This will insert a dummy value into the above history map lane with the current time as key.


We can now make use of a MapLane’s callback functions to maintain the map and implement some form of windowing or retention policy.

By Record Count

We can implement a policy where the map will only store the N most recent records.

First we create a method that when called will trim the map to the desired size. As MapLanes are ordered by key we can use the drop(int count) method to drop the oldest count records.

Next we just call the method from the history lane’s didUpdate callback, this will trim the map after a new record is added.

  private final static int MAX_HISTORY_SIZE = 10;

  public MapLane<Long, Value> history = this.<Long, Value>mapLane()
    .didUpdate((k,n,o) -> trimHistory());

  private void trimHistory() {
    final int dropCount = this.history.size() - MAX_HISTORY_SIZE;
    if (dropCount > 0) {

This will create a history time series lane and maintains a record count of 10 (MAX_HISTORY_SIZE).

See this in an agent in the example.

By Time

We can implement a policy where the map will only store records within N amount of time of the most recent record.

First we create a method that when called will trim the map of any old records. As MapLanes are ordered by key we can use the lastKey() method to obtain the most recent timestamp, subtracting our time interval we obtain a cut-off time for old records.

Using the lane’s iterator() we can iterate through the records, starting at the oldest (as iterators are ordered by key), removing any records that are older than the cut-off time. Once we reach a record more recent than the cut-off time, we can stop.

Next we just call the method from the history lane’s didUpdate callback, this will trim the map after a new record is added.

  private static final long TIME_INTERVAL_MS = 30000L;

  public MapLane<Long, Value> history = this.<Long, Value>mapLane()
      .didUpdate((k,n,o) -> trimHistory());

  private void trimHistory() {
    final long oldestAllowedTimestamp = this.history.lastKey() - MAX_HISTORY_TIME_MS;
    final Iterator<Long> iterator = this.history.keyIterator();

    while (iterator.hasNext()) {
      final long key = iterator.next();
      if (key < oldestAllowedTimestamp) {
        // If the key is too old then remove it
      } else {
        // Keys are ordered so stop when first key within the allowed time is found

This will create a history time series lane and drop records that are not in a 30s (TIME_INTERVAL_MS) time interval of the most recent record.

See this in an agent in the example.

By Recency

We can implement a policy where the map will only store records for N amount of time.

First we create a method that when called will trim the map of any old records. Taking the current time and subtracting the maximum age of a record we want, we obtain a cut-off time for old records.

Using the lane’s iterator() we can iterate through the records, starting at the oldest (as iterators are ordered by key), removing any records that are older than the cut-off time. Once we reach a record more recent than the cut-off time, we can stop.

  private void trimHistory() {
    final long oldestAllowedTimestamp = System.currentTimeMillis() - MAX_HISTORY_TIME_MS;
    final Iterator<Long> iterator = this.history.keyIterator();

    while (iterator.hasNext()) {
      final long key = iterator.next();
      if (key < oldestAllowedTimestamp) {
        // If the key is too old then remove it
      } else {
        // Keys are ordered so stop when first key within the allowed time is found

Note: Unlike the previous section, it is not sufficient to just call this method whenever a new record is added - we still want to continue checking for old records, even if no new records are added.

Next we are going to create and manage a Timer that will handle the calling of the trimHistory() method we just created. Ideally we want to manage one timer and that timer needs to trigger as soon as a record needs to be removed.

Calculating the time until the next record needs to be dropped can be done by taking the oldest record time (calling firstKey() on the lane) adding maximum age of a record, then subtracting the current time.

Using this calculated time we can now make use of the web agent’s setTimer(long millis, TimerFunction timer) method to handle the scheduling of trimHistory().

  private static final long MAX_HISTORY_TIME_MS = 30000L;

  private TimerRef timer;

  private void rescheduleNextTrim() {
    final long timeUntilNextTrim = (this.history.firstKey() + MAX_HISTORY_TIME_MS) - System.currentTimeMillis();
    this.timer = setTimer(timeUntilNextTrim, this::trimHistory);

We call the rescheduleNextTrim() method we just created from the history lane’s didUpdate callback, this will schedule a timer to trim the map whenever a new record is added.

Finally, we need to account for a few things:

  private static final long MAX_HISTORY_TIME_MS = 30000L;

  private TimerRef timer;

  public MapLane<Long, Value> history = this.<Long, Value>mapLane()
    .didUpdate((k,n,o) -> rescheduleNextTrim());

  private void trimHistory() {
    final long oldestAllowedTimestamp = System.currentTimeMillis() - MAX_HISTORY_TIME_MS;
    final Iterator<Long> iterator = this.history.keyIterator();

    while (iterator.hasNext()) {
      final long key = iterator.next();
      if (key < oldestAllowedTimestamp) {
        // If the key is too old then remove it
      } else {
        // Keys are ordered so stop when first key within allowed time is found

  private void rescheduleNextTrim() {
    if (this.timer != null && this.timer.isScheduled()) {
      // The timer is already being handled
    final long timeUntilNextTrim = (this.history.firstKey() + MAX_HISTORY_TIME_MS) - System.currentTimeMillis();
    if (timeUntilNextTrim > 0) {
      // Set a timer for when the next record needs to be dropped
      this.timer = setTimer(timeUntilNextTrim, this::trimHistory);
    } else if (!this.history.isEmpty()) {
      // A record needs to be dropped now

This will create a history time series lane and drop records after 30 seconds (MAX_HISTORY_TIME_MS).

See this in an agent in the example.

Simultaneous Events

There’s a catch to representing timeseries as timestamp-keyed Maps. Because any Map key can appear at most once, processing multiple events with the same timestamp retains only the last-processed event.

Compound Keys

If the aforementioned behavior is undesirable, we recommend instead using Value-typed compound keys that wrap both a timestamp and some (unique) event identifier. Two examples include:

key = Record.create(2).slot("timestamp", timestamp).slot("id", id);


key = Record.create(2).item(timestamp).item(id);

MapLanes are always ordered by key, and Values are compared sequentially in field order (similarly to how composite keys work in SQL). Thus, the Windowing section remains relevant to compound-keyed MapLanes; just be sure to correctly extract timestamps from keys first. For the above examples, this would look like





Chained Values

Using compound keys precludes using MapLane.get(timestamp) to quickly seek entries under a provided timestamp. If your application requires this uncommon functionality, and only if iterating over the compound-keyed MapLane proves too inefficient, implement the timeseries as a MapLane<Long, List<Value>> (or similar) instead.

Note: this representation makes it trickier to both iterate over and join to the MapLane.